Name:Fynn Ingame-Name:'BygF~
Age:15 1/2
Where are you from:from my mum
English(awful-bad-medium-good-awesome): xxxxxxxxxxxtryyyym gut
How long you play: y played over 10days on server
XP on our server:yes
How long have you been playing yn our server: you already asked that -.-
Have you been in other clans:yes
If yes, then which: =$.e.X= , .eS+
Why you left them: not much members
Can u give us picture of you for Photoalbum: dont cam
Can you play at least 5 hours a week in our server: yes
Reason to join us:yes
Splatterladder rate: 11.72846382920
Msn, XFIRE <-----really importand: (ymportanT not d) yes