Name:darren russell Ingame-Name:|DAZ|
Where are you from:scotland
English(awful-bad-medium-good-awesome):awosme ( my only language XD)
How long you play:bout 1-2 years
XP on our server:bout 1k i think
How long have you been playing in our server:cuple of days
Have you been in other clans:lots XD
If yes, then which:sex all summer, sex god, unprotected sex, sex mad, CFC, KO, 9mm, PR,Lord,Gk, and lots more but i forget lol
Why you left them:erm some coz i didnt get on with other members others coz the server was dying stuff like that
Can u give us picture of you for Photoalbum: sorry no XD
Can you play at least 5 hours a week in our server:yep
Reason to join us:very good server and very nice players
Splatterladder rate:not sure XD
Msn, XFIRE <-----really importand :daz1993